Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Walking in my name/Donation Information

Hi All,

I have been blessed by my friends and family that have felt the desire to put a team together to walk in my honor. There are two walks going on, so I wanted to give you that information.

3rd Annual Del Webb goes PINK
Saturday, October 9th @ 8am staring in Sun City in Florence, Az
Please Contact Bonnie Strunk for more information at for details. So far I have 25 people walking in my name. I am BEYOND blessed!

Susan G Komen 3 day walk for the Cure
October 10th Phoenix, Az
Please contact Bekah Riede at
Bekah is a friend of mine that I met at Middler Camp in 2009. We were both counselors and remained friends. She is putting together a team to walk in my name!! Praise God!

These walks will benefit cancer research and also assist us financially which is a big need for us. Medical bills that were not covered under Insurance, transportation, lack of work for both Cory and on and so on.

We appreciate ALL donations and pray a special blessing on each of our supporters, whether you support us by prayer, fiancially, gifts, calls, food, cards, name it, we pray for you!

Thank you all for your support! Dont stop because everyday that I receive an email or a special note it puts a smile on my face. IT DOESN'T get old. :)

Love you!

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